When is the Best Time to Buy a New HVAC System?

The perfect time to purchase a new air conditioning system is when spring or fall arrives. Learn more about when is the best time to buy an HVAC system and how to save money.

When is the Best Time to Buy a New HVAC System?

The perfect time to purchase a new air conditioning system is when spring or fall arrives. It is best to contact a reliable local HVAC service company for assistance. They will have more time and likely have a relationship with several HVAC dealers who can provide the best deal with the desired features. In The Triangle, Greensboro, and Winston Salem, the best times to shop are usually January, February, March, September, October, and December.

Fall or spring are the optimal times to buy air conditioners. Additionally, we offer several add-ons for your HVAC equipment that can improve your home's indoor air quality (IAQ), such as electrostatic air filters, whole-house humidifiers, duct cleaning, ultraviolet C lighting systems, and more. The difference in price between buying at the best times and at the worst times can be between 10 and 15%. September is a good month to consider replacing your air conditioning system before you start relying on it this winter.

For instance, you may have more time to replace your HVAC in late spring in the Northeast; however, due to many adults working from home and children studying remotely during the coronavirus pandemic, you cannot afford an air conditioning event to disrupt your daily routine in the most extreme weather conditions of the year. Air conditioning systems are essential for keeping homes comfortable all year round; however, like any appliance, they will eventually need to be updated or replaced. Most buyers are unaware of this and will pay more just to install their air conditioning system in time for winter. Since temperatures are cooler during this period of time, air conditioning isn't really necessary for the rest of the year; and while Ohio's temperatures are around 30 and 40 degrees this time of year, running the boiler isn't a necessity yet.

During the middle of winter and summer, air conditioning systems are most in demand, causing prices to skyrocket. If your home heating and cooling system appears to be at the end of its useful life, you should start thinking about how you can save money when buying a new air conditioning system. Some offer instant rebates as a discount, others offer cash rebates, and others may offer financing incentives or lower interest rates when purchasing higher-efficiency HVAC equipment. It is important to factor in the cost of annual maintenance into the total price of ownership of the new air conditioning system.

When it comes to purchasing an air conditioning system for your home or business, timing is everything. The best time to buy an HVAC system is during spring or fall when temperatures are milder and demand is lower. This will give you more time to research different models and compare prices from different dealers. Additionally, you may be able to take advantage of discounts or special offers from manufacturers or dealers during these times.

It is also important to consider other factors such as energy efficiency ratings and warranties when selecting an HVAC system. Make sure you understand all of the features that come with each model so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you. Finally, don't forget about annual maintenance costs which should be factored into your total cost of ownership. By taking all of these factors into consideration when shopping for an HVAC system, you can ensure that you get the best deal possible while also ensuring that your home or business stays comfortable all year round.

Brittney Soza
Brittney Soza

Evil tv lover. Incurable zombie fanatic. Amateur twitter junkie. Evil communicator. Wannabe coffee enthusiast. Professional twitter advocate.